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【CRAZY】I thought seriously about "Pokémon of the sword shield" that seems to be delicious if I eat it.

Introducing Pokemon that seems to be delicious once you eat! !

Is cheers for good work.I am Pokémon critic. My name is “Hechiyaborake”.(※i am not good at english.HA HA HA HA HA  ^^b)

Today, I found a ridiculous image called "Kingler Whole Seafood Curry" on the internet.↓↓


Oh! My GOD!!

REALLY?? i was very surprised at this image.It is FAKE? FRAUD? IMITATION?

By the way, what are the residents of the Pokémon world eating and alive? Don't they have a livestock like a chicken or cow? ?

After all, they eat Pokemon ...?  (So bad feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
~~Can you eat Magikarp ??????????~~


Well, in any case , Now, I thought seriously about the“ Pokémon of the sword shield ”that seems to be delicious”. What is the most delicious Pokémon when you look at Pokemon from an edible perspective? we will announce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,GO!!!!!!!!

Do you think i am CRAZY? NO I am rich in ideas



My sensibility comes to me. "The black part of Drakloak's head is delicious." This part must be good_Texture.

By eating it with salt,  You can enjoy the texture and taste of the ingredients.
Also, the tail part is put in a pot and simmered for several hours, soaking the taste of broth seems to turn into a soft ingredient that can be unwound in the mouth. 


Which part do you want to eat this Pokemon? I am the “Tail”. How thick and soft it seems!

 The meaty part is cut out and baked on a net, attached to the sauce of the scallop, and sucked vigorously. This must be the best way to eat. Meat juice will erupt in your mouth and you will be surrounded by supreme happiness.


A strange Pokemon such as an insect is ranked in. This is also absolutely delicious.

The best way to eat this is to fry whole with oil and take a bite. Unprecedented new sense of touch will surely make people captivated.


It is said that the appearance of food is also important. In that sense, this elegant appearance is a perfect Pokémon to eat.

While eating a cream-like part wrapped in the body, bite the strawberry on the head. Just by imagining, a saliva comes out.

If you have trouble with desserts at Pokemon Camp, it might be fun to try this Pokemon.


Was this Pokemon born to be eaten? I have to think so. The rich stomach will be delicious if you put it in a pot and boil it.

In addition to meat, one can eat “green onions”. What a cospa's high Pokemon! Perfect for hot pots during the cold winter months.


That's all for today's article. SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!